Twenty-Eighth Cervantes Symposium of California
Twenty-Eighth Cervantes Symposium of California
Topic: CERVANTES: 1616-2016
Saturday, April 23, 2016
Humanities Building 210
University of California Santa Cruz
Department of Literature
The Department of Literature, Department of Languages and Applied Linguistics and Spanish Studies at the University of California, Santa Cruz is pleased to announce that it is hosting a symposium to commemorate and reflect upon the significance of the 400th anniversary of the death of Cervantes and his posthumous novel: Persiles y Sigismunda.
We particularly welcome papers (Spanish and English) that explore critical approaches and readings of Persiles y Sigismunda. We also invite contributions that examine certain aspects of the life of Cervantes with special consideration of recent biographies*. We encourage papers that focus on recent critical and theoretical approaches. Presentations devoted to new teaching approaches, pedagogical strategies, and the uses of technology are also welcome. Other possible topics may include:
• Reflections on future approaches to Cervantes’ Persiles
• Cervantes and Shakespeare
• Persiles and the development of the novel
• Cervantes echo in the XX-XXI century
• Cervantes and arts, gender, race, Mediterranean studies, Transatlantic studies, nation and cultural contact.
Please send abstracts to Jordi Aladro via e-mail ( Abstracts should be sent as an attachment in PDF format, and they should include your name, institution, title, and a short description of your presentation. Graduate students please indicate at what stage you are in your education (MA in hand, ABD, writing the dissertation, etc.). Deadline: March 25, 2016.
*Jorge García López Cervantes. La figura en el tapiz, Pasado & Presente, 2015; José Manuel Lucía Megías, La juventud de Cervantes, Una vida en construcción, Edaf 2016; Jordi Gracia, Miguel de Cevantes. La Conquista de la Ironía, Taurus 2016.