Cervantes in China in his 400th Anniversary
The two-day Symposium held in late June at the Beijing Center of the University of Chicago will focus on the 400th anniversary of Spain ́s best-known writer: Cervantes. Along with talks on Cervantes and how to teach his works in China, the event will include workshop sessions to promote further cooperation between the participating universities.
Please send a one-page abstract of your paper or panel by April 15th to Juan Pablo Gil-Osle at jgilosle@asu.edu. Forthcoming about the conference at:http://www.uchicago.cn/events-
June 21-22, 2016
20th floor, Culture Plaza No. 59A Zhong Guan Cun Street Haidian District Beijing 100872 People’s Republic of China
The University of Chicago Center in Beijing
Arizona State University
Chasqui: revista de literatura latinoamericana (David William Foster, Editor)
EMIT: Early Modern Image and Text Society